Berl Ray Oakley

- Irving S. Johnson Distinguished Professor of Molecular Biology
Contact Info
Office Phone:
Haworth Hall, room #7050
Biography —
Research —
Research interests:
- Mitosis
- gamma-tubulin function
- cell cycle regulation
- fungal secondary metabolites
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Cell Biology
- Genetics
Selected Publications —
Dohn, James W, Jr, Alexander W Grubbs, Christine Elizabeth Oakley, and Berl R Oakley. “New Multi-Marker Strains and Complementing Genes for Aspergillus Nidulans Molecular Biology.” Journal Articles. Fungal Genetics and Biology 111 (January 5, 2018): 1–6.
Oakley, C E, M Ahuja, W W Sun, R Entwistle, T Akashi, J Yaegashi, C J Guo, et al. “Discovery of McrA, a Master Regulator of Aspergillus Secondary Metabolism.” Journal Articles. Molecular Microbiology 103, no. 2 (January 1, 2017): 347–65.
Sung, Calvin T., Shu-Lin Chang, Ruth Entwistle, G Ahn, T S Lin, Vessela Petrova, Hsu-Hua Yeh, et al. “Overexpression of a Three-Gene Conidial Pigment Biosynthetic Pathway in Aspergillus Nidulans Reveals the First NRPS Known to Acetylate Tryptophan.” Journal Articles. Fungal Genetics and Biology 101 (January 17, 2017): 1–6.
Yeh, H H, M Ahuja, Y M Chiang, C E Oakley, S Moore, O Yoon, H Hajovsky, et al. “Resistance Gene-Guided Genome Mining: Serial Promoter Exchanges in Aspergillus Nidulans Reveal the Biosynthetic Pathway for Fellutamide B, a Proteasome Inhibitor.” Journal Articles. ACS Chemical Biology 11, no. 8 (July 19, 2016): 2275–84.
Basha, A, F Basha, S K Ali, P R Hanson, B R Oakley, H Hajovsky, and L A Mitscher. “Onychomycosis and Its Chemotherapy.” Journal Articles. Current Medicinal Chemistry 23, no. 16 (27, 2016): 1609–24.
Chiang, Y M, M Ahuja, C E Oakley, R Entwistle, A Asokan, C Zutz, C C Wang, and B R Oakley. “Development of Genetic Dereplication Strains in Aspergillus Nidulans Results in the Discovery of Aspercryptin.” Journal Articles. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English) 55, no. 5 (January 1, 2016): 1662–65.
Wang, B, K Li , M Jin, R Qiu, B Liu, B R Oakley, and X Xiang. “The Aspergillus Nidulans BimC4 Mutation Provides an Excellent Tool for Identification of Kinesin-14 Inhibitors.” Journal Articles. Fungal Genetics and Biology : FG & B 82 (August 1, 2015): 51–55.
Oakley, B R, V Paolillo, and Y Zheng. “γ-Tubulin Complexes in Microtubule Nucleation and Beyond.” Journal Articles. Molecular Biology of the Cell 26, no. 17 (August 1, 2015): 2957–62.
Guo, Chun-Jun, Wei-Wen Sun, Kenneth S Bruno, Berl Oakley, Nancy P Keller, and Clay C. C. Wang. “Spatial Regulation of a Common Precursor from Two Distinct Genes Generates Metabolite Diversity.” Journal Articles. Chemical Science 6 (June 13, 2015): 751–60.
Paranjape, S R, A P Riley, A D Somoza, C E Oakley, C C Wang, T E Prisinzano, B R Oakley, and T C Gamblin. “Azaphilones Inhibit Tau Aggregation and Dissolve Tau Aggregates in Vitro.” Journal Articles. ACS Chemical Neuroscience 6, no. 5 (20, 2015): 751–60.
Edgerton, H, V Paolillo, and B R Oakley. “Spatial Regulation of the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint and Anaphase-Promoting Complex in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Molecular Microbiology 95, no. 3 (February 1, 2015): 442–57.
Edgerton, H, V Paolillo, and B R Oakley. “Spatial Regulation of the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint and Anaphase Promoting Complex in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Molecular Microbiology 95 (October 24, 2014): 442–57.
Liu, T., J. F. Sanchez, Y. M. Chiang, B. R. Oakley, and C. C. C. Wang. “Rational Domain Swaps Reveal Insights about Chain Length Control by Ketosynthase Domains in Fungal Non-Reducing Polyketide Synthases.” Journal Articles. Organic Letters 16, no. 6 (March 21, 2014): 1676–79.
Yaegashi, J., B. R. Oakley, and C. C. C. Wang. “Recent Advances in Genome Mining of Secondary Metabolite Biosynthetic Gene Clusters and the Development of Heterologous Expression Systems in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 41, no. 2 (February 1, 2014): 433–42.
Chiang, Yi-Ming, Clay C. C. Wang, and Berl R. Oakley. “Analyzing Fungal Secondary Metabolite Genes and Gene Clusters.” Book Chapters. In Natural Products: Discourse, Diversity & Design, edited by A. Osbourn, R. Goss, and G. Carter, 175–93. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
Paranjape, S R, Y M Chiang, J F Sanchez, R Entwistle, C C Wang, B R Oakley, and T C Gamblin. “Inhibition of Tau Aggregation by Three Aspergillus Nidulans Secondary Metabolites: 2,ω-Dihydroxyemodin, Asperthecin, and Asperbenzaldehyde.” Journal Articles. Planta Medica 80, no. 1 (January 1, 2014): 77–85.
Yaegashi, J., M. B. Praseuth, S. -W. Tyan, J. F. Sanchez, R. Entwistle, Y. -M. Chiang, B. R. Oakley, and C. C. C. Wang. “Molecular Genetic Characterization of the Biosynthesis Cluster of a Prenylated Isoindolinone Alkaloid Aspernidine A in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Organic Letters 15, no. 11 (May 7, 2013): 2862–65.
Chiang, Y. M., C. E. Oakley, M. Ahuja, R. Entwistle, A. Schultz, S. L. Chang, C. T. Sung, C. C. Wang, and B. R. Oakley. “An Efficient System for Heterologous Expression of Secondary Metabolite Genes in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Journal of the American Chemical Society 135, no. 20 (22, 2013): 7720–31.
Yeh, H H, S L Chang, Y M Chiang, K S Bruno, B R Oakley, T K Wu, and C C Wang. “Engineering Fungal Nonreducing Polyketide Synthase by Heterologous Expression and Domain Swapping.” Journal Articles. Organic Letters 15, no. 4 (February 15, 2013): 756–59.
Oakley, Berl R. “Aspergillus Nidulans.” Encyclopedia/Dictionary Entries. Edited by S. Maloy and K. Hughes. Encyclopedia of Genetics. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 2013.
Basha, A., F. Basha, S. K. Ali, P. R. Hanson, L. A. Mitscher, and B. R. Oakley. “Recent Progress in the Chemotherapy of Human Fungal Diseases. Emphasis on 1,3-β-Glucan Synthase and Chitin Synthase Inhibitors.” Journal Articles. Current Medicinal Chemistry 20, no. 38 (January 1, 2013): 4859–87.
Sanchez, James F., Ruth Entwistle, David Corcoran, Berl R. Oakley, and Clay C. C. Wang. “Identification and Molecular Genetic Analysis of the Cichorine Cluster in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Med. Chem. Commun. 3 (2012): 997–1002.
Ahuja, Manmeet, Yi-Ming Chiang, Shu-Lin Chang, Mike B. Praseuth, Ruth Entwistle, James F. Sanchez, Hsien-Chun Lo, Berl R. Oakley, and Clay C. C. Wang. “Illuminating the Diversity of Aromatic Polyketide Synthases in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 (2012): 8212–21.
Yeh, Hsu-Hua, Yi-Ming Chiang, Ruth Entwistle, Manmeet Ahuja, Kuan-Han Lee, Kenneth Bruno, Tung-Kung Wu, Berl R. Oakley, and Clay C. C. Wang. “Molecular Genetic Analysis Reveals That a Nonribosomal Peptide Synthase-like (NRPS-like) Gene in Aspergillus Nidulans Is Responsible for Microperfuranone Biosynthesis.” Journal Articles. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 96 (2012): 739–48.
Guo, C.-J., B. Knox, Y.-M. Chiang, H.-C. Lo, J. Sanchez, K.-H. Lee, B. Oakley, K. Bruno, and C. Wang. “Molecular Genetic Characterization of a Cluster in A. Terreus for Biosynthesis of the Meroterpenoid Terretonin.” Journal Articles. Org. Lett. 14 (2012): 5684–87.
Soukup, Alexandra A., Yi-Ming Chiang, Jin Woo Bok, Yazmid Reyes-Dominguez, Berl R. Oakley, Clay C. C. Wang, Joseph Strauss, and Nancy P. Keller. “Overexpression of the Aspergillus Nidulans Histone 4 Acetyltransferase EseA Increases Activation of Secondary Metabolite Production.” Journal Articles. Mol. Microbiol. 86 (2012): 314–30.
Somoza, Amber D., Kuan-Han Lee, Yi-Ming Chiang, Berl R. Oakley, and Clay C. C. Wang. “Reengineering an Azaphilone Biosynthesis Pathway in Aspergillus Nidulans to Create Lipoxygenase Inhibitiors.” Journal Articles. Org. Lett. 14 (2012): 972–75.
Taheri-Talesh, Naimeh, Yi Xiong, and Berl R. Oakley. “The Functions of Myosin II and Myosin V Homologs in Tip Growth and Septation in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. PLoS One 7 (2012): e31218.
Oakley, C. Elizabeth, Heather Edgerton-Morgan, and Berl R. Oakley. “Tools for Manipulation of Secondary Metabolism Pathways: Rapid Promoter Replacements and Gene Deletions in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Book Chapters. In Methods in Molecular Biology, edited by N. Keller and G. Turner, 944:143–61. Clifton, NJ: Humana Press, 2012.
Lo, Hsien-Chun, Ruth Entwistle, Chun-Jun Guo, Manmeet Ahuja, Edyta Szewczyk, Jui-Hsiang Hung, Yi-Ming Chiang, Berl R. Oakley, and Clay C. C. Wang. “Two Separate Gene Clusters Encode the Biosynthetic Pathway for the Meroterpenoids, Austinol and Dehydroaustinol in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 (2012): 4709–20.
Edgerton-Morgan, Heather, and Berl R. Oakley. “γ-Tubulin Plays a Key Role in Inactivating APC/CCdh1 at the G1/S Boundary.” Journal Articles. J. Cell Biol. 198 (2012): 785–91.
Giles, Steve S., Alexandra A. Soukup, Carrie Lauer, Mona Shaaban, Alexander Lin, Berl R. Oakley, Clay C. C. Wang, and Nancy P. Keller. “Cryptic Aspergillus Nidulans Antimicrobials.” Journal Articles. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77 (2011): 3669–75.
Liu, Ting, Yi-Ming Chiang, Amber D. Somoza, Berl R. Oakley, and Clay C. C. Wang. “Engineering of an ‘unnatural’ Natural Product by Swapping Polyketide Synthase Domains in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133 (2011): 13314–16.
Sanchez, James F., Ruth Entwistle, Jui-Hsiang Hung, Junko Yaegashi, Sofina Jain, Yi-Ming Chiang, Clay C. C. Wang, and Berl R. Oakley. “Genome-Based Deletion Analysis Uncovers the Prenyl Xanthone Biosynthesis Pathway in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133 (2011): 4010–17.
Szewczyk, Edyta, and Berl R. Oakley. “Microtubule Dynamics in Mitosis in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Fungal Genet. Biol. 48 (2011): 998–99.
Chiang, Yi-Ming, Shu-Lin Chang, Berl R. Oakley, and Clay C. C. Wang. “Recent Advances in Awakening Silent Biosynthetic Gene Clusters and Linking Orphan Clusters to Natural Products in Microorganisms.” Journal Articles. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 15 (2011): 137–43.
Chiang, Yi-Ming, Edyta Szewczyk, Ashley D. Davidson, Ruth Entwistle, Nancy P. Keller, Clay C. C. Wang, and Berl R. Oakley. “Characterization of the Aspergillus Nidulans Monodictyphenone Gene Cluster.” Journal Articles. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 76 (2010): 2067–74.
Sanchez, James F., Yi-Ming Chiang, Edyta Szewczyk, Ashley D. Davidson, Manmeet Ahuja, C. Elizabeth Oakley, Jin Woo Bok, Nancy Keller, Berl R. Oakley, and Clay C. C. Wang. “Molecular Genetic Analysis of the Orsellinic Acid/F-9775 Biosynthetic Gene Cluster in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Mol. Biosyst. 6 (2010): 587–93.
Chiang, Yi-Ming, Shu-Lin Chang, Berl R. Oakley, and Clay C. C. Wang. “Recent Advances in Awakening Silent Biosynthetic Gene Clusters in Microorganisms.” Journal Articles. Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 15 (2010): 1–7.
Palmer, Jonathan M., Sandeep Mallaredy, Dustin W. Perry, James F. Sanchez, Jeffrey M. Thiesen, Edyta Szewczyk, Berl R. Oakley, Clay C. C. Wang, Nancy P. Keller, and Peter M. Mirabito. “Telomere Position Effect Is Regulated by Heterochromatin Associated Proteins and NkuA in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Microbiology 156 (2010): 3522–31.
Xiang, X., and Berl R. Oakley. “The Cytoskeleton in Filamentous Fungi.” Book Chapters. In Cellular and Molecular Biology of Filamentous Fungi, edited by K. Borkovich and D. Ebbole, 209–23. ASM Press, 2010.
Chiang, Yi-Ming, Berl R. Oakley, Nancy P. Keller, and Clay C. C. Wang. “Unraveling Polyketide Synthesis in Members of the Genus Aspergillus.” Journal Articles. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 86 (2010): 1719–36.
Nayak, Tania, Heather Edgerton-Morgan, Tetsuya Horio, Yi Xiong, Colin P. De Souza, Stephen A. Osmani, and Berl R. Oakley. “γ-Tubulin Regulates the Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome during Interphase.” Journal Articles. J. Cell Biol. 190 (2010): 317–30.
Xiong, Yi, and Berl R. Oakley. “In Vivo Analysis of the Functions of γ-Tubulin Complex Proteins.” Journal Articles. J. Cell Sci. 122 (2009): 4218–27.
Chiang, Yi-Ming, Edyta Szewczyk, Ashley D. Davidson, Nancy Keller, Berl R. Oakley, and Clay C. C. Wang. “A Gene Cluster Containing Two Fungal Polyketide Synthases Encodes the Biosynthetic Pathway for a Polyketide, Asperfuranone, in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 (2009): 2965–70.
Bok, Jin Woo, Yi-Ming Chiang, Edyta Szewczyk, Yasmid Reyes-Dominguez, Ashley D. Davidson, James F. Sanchez, Hsien-Chun Lo, et al. “Chromatin-Level Regulation of Biosynthetic Gene Clusters.” Journal Articles. Nat. Chem. Biol. 5 (2009): 462–64.
De Souza, Colin P., Shahr B. Hashmi, Tania Nayak, Berl Oakley, and Stephen A. Osmani. “Mlp1 Acts as a Scaffold to Localize Mad1 in between Reforming Telophase Nuclei in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Mol. Biol. Cell 20 (2009): 2146–59.
Kim, Jung-Mi, Cui Jing Tracy Zeng, Tania Nayak, Rongzhong Shao, An-Chi Huang, Berl R. Oakley, and Bo Liu. “Timely Septation Requires SNAD-Dependent Spindle Pole Body Localization of the Septation Initiation Network Components in the Filamentous Fungus Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Mol. Biol. Cell. 20 (2009): 2874–84.
Szewczyk, Edyta, Yi-Ming Chiang, C. Elizabeth Oakley, Ashley Davidson, Clay C. C. Wang, and Berl R. Oakley. “Identification and Characterization of the Asperthecin Gene Cluster of Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74 (2008): 7607–12.
Chiang, Yi-Ming, E. Szewczyk, T. Nayak, A. D. Davidson, J. F. Sanchez, H.-C. Lo, H. Simityan, et al. “Molecular Genetic Mining of the Aspergillus Secondary Metabolome: Discovery of the Emericellamide Biosynthetic Pathway.” Journal Articles. Chem. Biol. 15 (2008): 527–32.
Wong, Koon Ho, R. B. Todd, B. R. Oakley, C. E. Oakley, M. J. Hynes, and M. A. Davis. “Sumoylation in Aspergillus Nidulans: SumO Inactivation, Overexpression and Live-Cell Imaging.” Journal Articles. Fungal Genet. Biol. 45 (2008): 728–37.
Wortman, J. R., J. M. Gilsenan, V. Joardar, J. Deegan, J. Clutterbuck, M. R. Andersen, D. Archer, et al. “The 2008 Update of the Aspergillus Nidulans Genome Annotation: A Community Effort.” Journal Articles. Fungal Genet. Biol. 46 (2008): S2–13.
Taheri-Talesh, Naimeh, T. Horio, L. Araujo-Bazán, X. Dou, E. A. Espeso, M. A. Peñalva, S. A. Osmani, and B. R. Oakley. “The Tip Growth Apparatus of Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Mol. Bio. Cell 19 (2008): 1439–49.
Osmani, S. A., H.-L. Liu, M. J. Hynes, and Berl R. Oakley. “Advances in Gene Manipulations Using Aspergillus Nidulans.” Book Chapters. In The Aspergilli Genomics, Medical Aspects, Biotechnology and Research Methods, edited by G. H. Goldman and S. A. Osmani, 493–511. Boca Raton, London, New York: CRC Press, 2007.
Oakley, Berl R., and X. Xiang. “Fluorescent Labels for Intracellular Structures and Organelles.” Book Chapters. In The Aspergilli Genomics, Medical Aspects, Biotechnology and Research Methods, edited by G. H. Goldman and S. A. Osmani, 513–25. Boca Raton, London, New York: CRC Press, 2007.
Nayak, Tania, E. Szewczyk, C. E. Oakley, A. Osmani, L. Ukil, S. L. Murray, M. J. Hynes, S. A. Osmani, and B. R. Oakley. “A Versatile and Efficient Gene Targeting System for Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Genetics 172 (2006): 1557–66.
Szewczyk, Edyta, T. Nayak, C. E. Oakley, H. Edgerton, Y. Xiong, N. Taheri-Talesh, S. A. Osmani, and B. R. Oakley. “Fusion PCR and Gene Targeting in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Nature Protocols 1 (2006): 3111–20.
Osmani, Aysha H., B. R. Oakley, and S. A. Oakley. “Identification and Analyisis of Essential Genes Using the Heterokaryon Rescue Technique in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Nature Protocols 1 (2006): 2517–2526.
Li, Shihe, C. Elizabeth Oakley, Guifang Chen, Xiaoyan Han, B. R. Oakley, and Xin Xiang. “Cytoplasmic Dynein’s Mitotic Spindle Pole Localization Requires a Functional Anaphase-Promoting Complex, γ-Tubulin, and NUDF/LIS1 in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Mol. Biol. Cell 16 (2005): 3591–3605.
Galagan, J. E., S. E. Calvo, C. Cuomo, L.-J. Ma, J. Wortman, S. Batzoglou, S.-I. Lee, et al. “Sequencing and Comparative Analysis of Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Nature 438 (2005): 1105–15.
Horio, Tetsuya, and B. R. Oakley. “The Role of Microtubules in Rapid Hyphal Tip Growth of Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Mol. Biol. Cell 16 (2005): 918–26.
Su, Wenqi, Shihe Li, B. R. Oakley, and Xin Xiang. “Live Cell Dual-Color Imaging of Nuclear Division and Mitotic Spindle Elongation in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Eukaryotic Cell 3 (2004): 553–56.
Oakley, Berl R. “Tubulins in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Fungal Genet. Biol. 41 (2004): 420–27.
Prigozhina, Natalie L., C. E. Oakley, A. M. Lewis, T. Nayak, S. A. Osmani, and B. R. Oakley. “γ-Tubulin Plays an Essential Role in the Coordination of Mitotic Events.” Journal Articles. Mol. Biol. Cell 15 (2004): 1374–86.
Horio, Tetsuya, and B. R. Oakley. “Expression of Arabidopsis Thaliana γ-Tubulin in Fission Yeast Reveals Conserved and Novel Functions of γ-Tubulin.” Journal Articles. Plant Physiol. 133 (2003): 1926–34.
Job, Didier, O. Valiron, and B. Oakley. “Microtubule Nucleation.” Journal Articles. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 15 (2003): 111–17.
Straube, Anne, M. Brill, B. R. Oakley, T. Horio, and G. Steinberg. “Microtubule Organization Requires Cell-Cycle Dependent Nucleation at Dispersed Cytoplasmic Sites, Polar and Perinuclear MTOCs in the Plant Pathogen Ustilago Maydis.” Journal Articles. Mol. Biol. Cell 14 (2003): 642–57.
Ovechkina, Y., P. Maddox, C. E. Oakley, X. Xiang, S. Osmani, E. D. Salmon, and B. R. Oakley. “Spindle Formation in Aspergillus Is Coupled to Tubulin Movement into the Nucleus.” Journal Articles. Mol. Biol. Cell 14 (2003): 2192–2200.
Osmani, Aysha H., J. Davies, C. E. Oakley, B. R. Oakley, and S. A. Osmani. “TINA Interacts with the NIMA Kinase in Aspergillus Nidulans and Negatively Regulates Astral Microtubules during Metaphase Arrest.” Journal Articles. Mol. Biol. Cell 14 (2003): 3169–79.
Ovechkina, Yulia, and B. R. Oakley. “</i>"Gamma Tubulin in Plant Cells".” Book Chapters. edited by Robert E. Palazzo and Trisha N. Davis, 195–212. San Diego: Academic Press, 2001.
Jung, M. Katherine, N. Prigozhina, C. E. Oakley, E. Nogales, and B. R. Oakley. “Alanine-Scanning Mutagenesis of Aspergillus γ-Tubulin Yields Diverse and Novel Phenotypes.” Journal Articles. Mol. Biol. Cell 12 (2001): 2119–36.
Oakley, Berl R., C. E. Oakley, Y. Yoon, and M. K. Jung. “γ Tubulin Is a Component of the Spindle Pole Body That Is Essential for Microtubule Function in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Book Chapters. In Landmark Papers in Cell Biology, edited by Joseph G. Gall and J. Richard McIntosh, 517–29. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: The American Society for Cell Biology and The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2001.
Prigozhina, Natalie L., R. A. Walker, C. E. Oakley, and B. R. Oakley. “γ-Tubulin and the C-Terminal Motor Domain Kinesin-like Protein, KLPA, Function in the Establishment of Spindle Bipolarity in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Mol. Biol. Cell 12 (2001): 3161–74.
Paluh, Janet L., E. Nogales, B. R. Oakley, K. McDonald, A. Pidoux, and W. Z. Cande. “A Mutation in γ-Tubulin Alters Microtubule Dynamics and Organization and Is Synthetically Lethal with the Kinesin-like Protein Pkl1p.” Journal Articles. Mol. Biol. Cell 11 (2000): 1225–39.
Oakley, Berl R. “An Abundance of Tubulins.” Journal Articles. Trends Cell Biol. 10 (2000): 537–42.
Khodjakov, Alexey, R. W. Cole, B. R. Oakley, and C. L. Rieder. “Centrosome Independent Mitotic Spindle Formation in Vertebrates.” Journal Articles. Curr. Biol. 10 (2000): 59–67.
Jung, M. Katherine, Y. Ovechkina, N. Prigozhina, C. E. Oakley, and B. R. Oakley. “The Use of Beta-D-Glucanase as a Substitute for Novozym 234 in Immunofluorescence and Protoplasting.” Journal Articles. Fungal Genetics Newsletter 47 (2000): 65–66.
Wise, Dawnne O., R. Krahe, and B. R. Oakley. “The γ-Tubulin Gene Family in Humans.” Journal Articles. Genomics 67 (2000): 164–70.
Oakley, Berl R. “γ-Tubulin.” Book Chapters. In The Centrosome in Reproduction and Cell Replication, edited by R. Palazzo and G. Schatten, 27–54. San Diego: Academic Press, 2000.
Ovechkina, Yulia Y., Robin K. Pettit, Zbigniew A. Cichaz, George R. Pettit, and B. R. Oakley. “Unusual Antimicrotubule Activity of the Antifungal Agent Spongistatin 1.” Journal Articles. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 43 (1999): 1993–99.
Oakley, Berl R. “γ-Tubulin.” Book Chapters. In Guidebook to the Cytoskeletal and Motor Proteins, edited by T. Kreis and R. Vale, 271–75. New York: A Sambrook & Tooze Publication at Oxford University Press, 1999.
Oakley, Berl R., and Y. N. Akkari. “γ-Tubulin at Ten: Progress and Prospects.” Journal Articles. Cell Struct. Funct. 24 (1999): 365–72.
Oakley, Berl R. “</i>"Methods for Isolating and Analyzing Mitotic Mutants in Aspergillus Nidulans".” Book Chapters. edited by C. Rieder, 348–61. San Diego: Academic Press, 1998.
Jung, M. Katherine, G. S. May, and B. R. Oakley. “Mitosis in Wild-Type and β Tubulin Mutant Strains of Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Fungal Genet. Biol. 24 (1998): 146–60.
Akashi, Tomohiro, Y. Yoon, and B. R. Oakley. “Characterization of γ-Tubulin Complexes in Aspergillus Nidulans and Detection of Putative γ-Tubulin Interacting Proteins.” Journal Articles. Cell Motil. Cytoskel. 37 (1997): 149–58.
Wilson, P. G., Y. Zheng, C. E. Oakley, B. R. Oakley, G. G. Borisy, and M. T. Fuller. “Differential Expression of Two γ-Tubulin Isoforms during Gametogenesis and Development in Drosophila.” Journal Articles. Dev. Biol. 184 (1997): 207–21.
Martin, MaryAnn, S. A. Osmani, and B. R. Oakley. “The Role of γ-Tubulin in Mitotic Spindle Formation and Cell Cycle Progression in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. J. Cell Sci. 110 (1997): 623–33.
Ding, Rubai, R. R. West, M. Morphew, B. R. Oakley, and J. R. McIntosh. “The Spindle Pole Body of Schizosaccharomyces Pombe Enters and Leaves the Nuclear Envelope as the Cell Cycle Proceeds.” Journal Articles. Mol. Biol. Cell 8 (1997): 1461–79.
Oakley, Berl R. “A Nice Ring to the Centrosome.” Journal Articles. Nature 378 (1995): 555–56.
Yoon, Yisang, and B. R. Oakley. “Purification and Characterization of Assembly-Competent Tubulin from Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Biochemistry 34 (1995): 6373–81.
Oakley, Berl R., and C. E. Oakley. “Tubulin and Microtubules.” Journal Articles. Scientific American SCIENCE & MEDICINE 2 (1995): 58–67.
Oakley, Berl R. “γ-Tubulin and the Fungal Microtubule Cytoskeleton.” Journal Articles. Can. J. Bot. 73, no. Suppl. 1 (1995): S352–58.
Horio, Tetsuya, and B. R. Oakley. “Human γ-Tubulin Functions in Fission Yeast.” Journal Articles. J. Cell Biol. 126 (1994): 1465–73.
Oakley, Berl R., and S. A. Osmani. “Cell Cycle Analysis Using the Filamentous Fungus Aspergillus Nidulans.” Book Chapters. In The Cell Cycle: A Practical Approach, edited by P. Fantes and R. Brooks, 127–42. Oxford: IRL Press at Oxford University Press, 1993.
Oakley, Berl R. “γ Tubulin.” Book Chapters. In Microtubules, edited by J. Hyams and C. Lloyd, 33–45. New York: Wiley-Liss, 1993.
Oakley, Berl R. “γ-Tubulin.” Book Chapters. In Guidebook to the Cytoskeletal and Motor Proteins, edited by T. Kreis and R. Vale, 130–31. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Jung, M. Katherine, I. B. Wilder, and B. R. Oakley. “Amino Acid Alterations in the BenA (β-Tubulin) Gene of Aspergillus Nidulans That Confer Benomyl Resistance.” Journal Articles. Cell Motil. Cytoskel. 22 (1992): 170–74.
Oakley, Berl R. “γ Tubulin: The Microtubule Organizer?” Journal Articles. Trends Cell Biol. 2 (1992): 1–5.
Osmani, Stephen A., and B. R. Oakley. “Cell Cycle and Tubulin Mutations in Filamentous Fungi.” Book Chapters. In More Gene Manipulations in Fungi, edited by J. Bennett and L. Lasure, 107–25. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1991.
Horio, Tetsuya, S. Uzawa, M. K. Jung, B. R. Oakley, K. Tanaka, and M. Yanagida. “The Fission Yeast γ-Tubulin Is Essential for Mitosis and Is Localized at Two Different Microtubule Organizing Centers.” Journal Articles. J. Cell Sci. 99 (1991): 693–700.
Zheng, Yixian, M. K. Jung, and B. R. Oakley. “γ-Tubulin Is Present in Drosophila Melanogaster and Homo Sapiens and Is Associated with the Centrosome.” Journal Articles. Cell 65 (1991): 817–23.
Jung, M. Katherine, and B. R. Oakley. “Identification of Amino Acid Substitutions in the BenA, β-Tubulin, Gene of Aspergillus Nidulans That Confer Thiabendazole Resistance and Benomyl Supersensitivity.” Journal Articles. Cell Motil. Cytoskel. 17 (1990): 87–94.
Goettel, Mark S., R. J. S. St. Leger, S. Bhairi, M. K. Jung, B. R. Oakley, D. W. Roberts, and R. C. Staples. “Pathogenicity and Growth of Metarhizium Anisopliae Stably Transformed to Benomyl Resistance.” Journal Articles. Curr. Genet. 17 (1990): 129–32.
Oakley, Berl R., C. E. Oakley, Y. Yoon, and M. K. Jung. “γ Tubulin Is a Component of the Spindle-Pole-Body That Is Essential for Microtubule Function in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Cell 61 (1990): 1289–1301.
Oakley, C. Elizabeth, and B. R. Oakley. “Identification of γ-Tubulin, a New Member of the Tubulin Superfamily Encoded by MipA Gene of Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Nature 338 (1989): 662–64.
Dunne, Patrick W., and B. R. Oakley. “Mitotic Gene Conversion, Reciprocal Recombination and Gene Replacement at the BenA, β-Tubulin, Locus of Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Mol. Gen. Genet. 213 (1988): 339–45.
Oakley, C. Elizabeth, C. F. Weil, P. L. Kretz, and B. R. Oakley. “Cloning of the RiboB Locus of Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Gene 53 (1987): 293–98.
Oakley, Berl R., J. R. Rinehart, B. L. Mitchell, C. E. Oakley, C. Carmona, G. L. Gray, and G. S. May. “Cloning, Mapping and Molecular Analysis of the PyrG (Orotidine-5’-Phosphate Decarboxylase) Gene of Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Gene 61 (1987): 385–99.
Oakley, Berl R., C. E. Oakley, and J. R. Rinehart. “Conditionally Lethal TubA, α-Tubulin Mutations of Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Mol. Gen. Genet. 208 (1987): 135–44.
Weil, Clifford F., C. E. Oakley, and B. R. Oakley. “Isolation of Mip (Microtubule Interacting Protein) Mutations of Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Mol. Cell. Biol. 6 (1986): 2963–68.
Oakley, Berl R., C. E. Oakley, K. S. Kniepkamp, and J. E. Rinehart. “Isolation and Characterization of Cold-Sensitive Mutations at the BenA, β-Tubulin, Locus of Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Mol. Gen. Genet. 201 (1985): 56–64.
Oakley, Berl R. “Microtubule Mutants.” Journal Articles. Can. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 63 (1985): 479–88.
Oakley, Berl R., and J. E. Rinehart. “Mitochondria and Nuclei Move by Different Mechanisms in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. J. Cell Biol. 101 (1985): 2392–97.
Oakley, Berl R. “The Molecular Biology of Microtubules in Aspergillus.” Book Chapters. In Molecular Genetics of Filamentous Fungi, edited by W. Timberlake, 225–38. New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc, 1985.
Oakley, Berl R., and N. R. Morris. “A Mutation in Aspergillus Nidulans That Blocks the Transition from Interphase to Prophase.” Journal Articles. J. Cell Biol. 96 (1983): 1155–58.
Oakley, Berl R. “Conditionally Lethal Tubulin Mutations of Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. J. Submicrosc. Cytol. 15 (1983): 363–66.
Morris, N. Ronald, G. Sheir-Neiss, and B. R. Oakley. “The Biochemical Genetics of Mitosis in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Book Chapters. In Microtubules in Microorganisms, edited by P. Cappuccinelli and N. R. Morris, 257–73. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc, 1983.
Oakley, Berl R., and U. J. Santore. “Cryptophyceae: Introduction and Bibliography.” Book Chapters. In Selected Papers in Phycology II, edited by J. R. Rosowski and B. C. Parker, 682–86. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1982.
Morris, N. Ronald, D. R. Kirsch, and B. R. Oakley. “Molecular and Genetic Methods for Studying Mitosis and Spindle Proteins in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Book Chapters. In The Cytoskeleton Part B. Biological Systems and </i>In Vitro<i> Models, edited by L. Wilson, 107–30. New York: Academic Press, 1982.
Oakley, Berl R., and N. R. Morris. “A β-Tubulin Mutation in Aspergillus Nidulans That Blocks Microtubule Function without Blocking Assembly.” Journal Articles. Cell 24 (1981): 837–45.
Oakley, Berl R. “Mitotic Mutants.” Book Chapters. In Mitosis/Cytokinesis, edited by A. M. Zimmerman and A. Forer, 181–96. New York: Academic Press, 1981.
Oakley, Berl R., D. R. Kirsch, and N. R. Morris. “A Simplified Ultrasensitive Silver Stain for Detecting Proteins in Polyacrylamide Gels.” Journal Articles. Anal. Biochem. 105 (1980): 361–63.
Oakley, Berl R., and N. R. Morris. “Nuclear Movement Is β-Tubulin Dependent in Aspergillus Nidulans.” Journal Articles. Cell 19 (1980): 255–62.
Oakley, Berl R., and J. D. Dodge. “Evidence for a Double-Helically Coiled Toroidal Chromonema in the Dinoflagellate Chromosome.” Journal Articles. Chromosoma 70 (1979): 277–91.
Oakley, Berl R., and F. J. R. Taylor. “Evidence for a New Type of Endosymbiotic Organization in a Population of the Ciliate Mesodinium Rubrum from British Columbia.” Journal Articles. Biosystems 10 (1978): 361–69.
Oakley, Berl R. “Mitotic Spindle Formation in Cryptomonas (Cryptophyceae).” Journal Articles. Protoplasma 95 (1978): 333–46.
Oakley, Berl R. “Some Advantages and Limitations of Mitosis as a Phylogenetic Criterion.” Journal Articles. Biosystems 10 (1978): 59–64.
Oakley, Berl R., and I. B. Heath. “The Arrangement of Microtubules in Serially Sectioned Spindles of the Alga Cryptomonas.” Journal Articles. J. Cell Sci. 31 (1978): 53–70.
Oakley, Berl R., and T. Bisalputra. “Mitosis and Cell Division in Cryptomonas (Cryptophyceae).” Journal Articles. Can. J. Bot. 55 (1977): 2789–2800.
Oakley, Berl R., and J. D. Dodge. “Mitosis and Cell Division in the Dinoflagellate Amphidinium Carterae.” Journal Articles. Cytobios 17 (1977): 35–46.
Oakley, Berl R., and J. D. Dodge. “Ultrastructure of Mitosis in Chroomonas Salina (Cryptophyceae).” Journal Articles. Protoplasma 88 (1976): 241–54.
Bisalputra, Thana, B. R. Oakley, D. C. Walker, and C. M. Shields. “Microtubular Complexes in Blue-Green Algae.” Journal Articles. Protoplasma 86 (1975): 19–28.
Oakley, Berl R., and J. D. Dodge. “Kinetochores Associated with the Nuclear Envelope in the Mitosis of a Dinoflagellate.” Journal Articles. J. Cell Biol. 63 (1974): 322–25.
Oakley, Berl R., and J. D. Dodge. “Mitosis in the Cryptophyceae.” Journal Articles. Nature 244 (1974): 521–22.
Oakley, Berl R., and J. D. Dodge. “The Ultrastructure and Cytochemistry of Microbodies in Porphyridium.” Journal Articles. Protoplasma 80 (1974): 233–44.