David Darwin

- Deane E. Ackers Distinguished Professor
Contact Info
Office Phone:
Learned Hall, room #2150-B
Biography —
Research —
Research interests:
- structural engineering
- engineering materials.
- nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete
- steel-concrete composite structures
- bond between reinforcing steel and concrete
- concrete materials
- corrosion
- bridge construction
- methods of improving the durability of bridges
- reducing corrosion of reinforcing steel
- minimizing cracking in concrete structures
- evaluating the anchorage of high-strength reinforcement using hooked and headed bars
Selected Publications —
Ghimire, Krishna, David Darwin, and Matthew O’Reilly. “Anchorage of Headed Reinforcing Bars.” Reports. SM Report No. 127. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., January 2018.
Sperry, J., D. Darwin, M. O’Reilly, A. Lepage, R. Lequesne, A. Matamoros, L. Feldman, et al. “Conventional and High-Strength Hooked Bars: Detailing Effects.” Journal Articles. ACI Structural Journal 115, no. 1 (2018): 247–57.
Lequesne, Rémy, Matthew O’Reilly, David Darwin, Andrés Lepage, Abdalkader Al-Sabawy, Eduardo Guillen, and Donald Spradling. “Use of Headed Bars as Shear Reinforcement.” Reports. SM Report No. 126. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., January 2018.
Pendergrass, Benjamin, David Darwin, Rouzbeh Khajehdehi, and Muzai Feng. “Combined Effects of Internal Curing, Slag, and Silica Fume on Drying Shrinkage of Concrete.” Reports. SL Report 17-1. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., July 2017.
Keith, Christine, Mohammad Amin Dehghani Najvani, Matthew O’Reilly, Mario Medina, David Darwin, Ali Abdul Baki, Luay Ali Nazzal, and Kyoung Ok Lee. “Assessment of Moisture-Tolerant Coatings for Decreasing Open Top Construction Time.” Reports. SM Report No. 123. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., April 2017.
Sperry, Jayne, Samir Yasso, Nathanial Searle, Michael DeRubies, David Darwin, Matthew O’Reilly, Adolfo Matamoros, et al. “Conventional and High-Strength Hooked Bars—Part 1: Anchorage Tests.” Journal Articles. ACI Structural Journal 114, no. 1 (2017): 255–66.
Sperry, Jayne, David Darwin, Matthew O’Reilly, Rémy Lequesne, Samir Yasso, Adolfo Matamoros, Lisa Feldman, and Andrés Lepage. “Conventional and High-Strength Hooked Bars—Part 2: Data Analysis.” Journal Articles. ACI Structural Journal 114, no. 1 (2017): 267–76.
Farshadfar, Omid, Matthew O’Reilly, and David Darwin. “Performance Evaluation of Corrosion Protection Systems for Reinforced Concrete.” Reports. SM Report No. 122. University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., January 2017.
Darwin, David, Rouzbeh Khajehdehi, Abdallah Alhmood, Muzai Feng, James Lafikes, Eman Ibrahim, and Matthew O’Reilly. “Construction of Crack-Free Bridge Decks: Final Report.” Reports. Lawrence: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., November 2016.
Shao, Yun, David Darwin, Matthew O’Reilly, Rémy Lequesne, Krishna Ghimire, and Muna Hano. “Anchorage of Conventional and High-Strength Headed Reinforcing Bars.” Reports, July 2016.
Farshadfar, Omid, Christine Keith, Matthew O’Reilly, and David Darwin. “Corrosion Tests of XM28 Stainless Steel Reinforcing Bars.” Reports, July 2016.
Yuan, Jiqiu, Matthew O’Reilly, Adolfo B Matamoros, and David Darwin. “Effect of Preexisting Cracks on Lap Splice Strength of Reinforcing Bars.” Journal Articles. ACI Structural Journal 113, no. 4 (2016): 801–12.
Paulson, Conrad, Jeffrey M Rautenberg, Scott K Graham, and David Darwin. “Defining Yield Strength for Nonprestressed Reinforcing Steel.” Journal Articles. ACI Structural Journal 113, no. 1 (2016): 169–78.
Darwin, David, Charles W Dolan, and Arthur H Nilson. Design of Concrete Structures, 15th Edition. Books. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2016.
Sperry, Jayne, David Darwin, Matthew O’Reilly, and Remy Lequesne. “Anchorage Strength of Conventional and High-Strength Hooked Bars in Concrete.” Reports. University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., November 2015.
Al-Qassag, Osama, David Darwin, and Matthew O’Reilly. “Effect of Synthetic Fibers and a Rheology Modifier on Settlement Cracking of Concrete.” Reports. University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., November 2015.
Alhmood, Abdallah, David Darwin, and Matthew O’Reilly. “Crack Surveys of Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete Bridge Decks in Kansas 2014-2015.” Reports. University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., August 2015.
O’Reilly, Matthew, David Darwin, and JoAnn Browning. “Corrosion Performance of Prestressing Strands in Contact with Dissimilar Grouts.” Journal Articles. ACI Materials Journal 112, no. 4 (June 2015): 491–500.
Sperry, Jayne, Samir Al-Yasso, Nathaniel Searle, Michael DeRubeis, David Darwin, Matthew O’Reilly, Adolfo Matamoros, et al. “Anchorage of High-Strength Reinforcing Bars with Standard Hooks.” Reports, May 2015.
Brettmann, Ryan, David Darwin, and Matthew O’Reilly. “Developing a Test Procedure to Evaluate Settlement Cracking Performance.” Reports. University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., 2015.
Yuan, Jiqiu, Will Lindquist, David Darwin, and JoAnn Browning. “Effect of Slag Cement on Drying Shrinkage in Concrete.” Journal Articles. ACI Materials Journal 112, no. 2 (March 2015): 267–76.
Lindquist, Will, David Darwin, JoAnn Browning, Heather A. K. McLeod, Jiqiu Yuan, and Diane Reynolds. “Implementation of Concrete Aggregate Optimization.” Journal Articles. Construction & Building Materials 74 (January 15, 2015): 49–56.
Polly, Grant, Muzai Feng, Abdallah Alhmood, Osama Al-Qassag, and David Darwin. “Use of Shrinkage Reducing Admixtures and Lightweight Concrete in Virginia Bridge Decks - 2014.” Reports. University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., January 2015.
Darwin, D., M. O’Reilly, J. Browning, C. E. Locke, Y. P. Virmani, J. Ji, L. Gong, G. Guo, J. Draper, and L. Xing. “Multiple Corrosion Protection Systems for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Components: Laboratory Tests.” Journal Articles. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 26, no. 11 (October 2014): 04014085–1–04014085–89.
Darwin, David. “Low-Cracking High-Performance Bridge Decks.” Web Publishing (article, blog, etc.). Concrete Bridge Views, 2014. http://www.concretebridgeviews.com/i78/Article2.php .
Maharjan, Nabin, Matthew O’Reilly, and David Darwin. “Bench-Scale and Rapid Macrocell Tests of Enduramet® 32 Stainless Steel Reinforcement.” Reports, July 2014.
Farshadfar, O., A. Ajaam, M. Hano, M. O’Reilly, and D. Darwin. “Bond Strength of Reinforcing Bars with Deformation Spacings That Exceed Maximum Specified in ASTM A615.” Reports. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., July 2014.
Darwin, D., M. O’Reilly, J. Browning, and L. Xing. “Case for Changing Reinforcing Bar Deformation Spacing Requirements.” Journal Articles. Journal of Testing and Evaluation 42, no. 2 (March 2014): 368–74.
Searle, N., M. DeRubeis, D. Darwin, A. Matamoros, M. O’Reilly, and L. Feldman. “Anchorage of High-Strength Reinforcing Bars with Standard Hooks - Initial Tests.” Reports. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., February 2014. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.1257.4882.
O’Reilly, M., and D. Darwin. “Southern Exposure and Cracked Beam Tests of Enduramet® 2205 Stainless Steel Reinforcing Bars.” Reports. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., February 2014.
Pendergrass, B., and D. Darwin. “Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete (LC-HPC) Bridge Decks: Shrinkage-Reducing Admixtures, Internal Curing, and Cracking Performance.” Reports. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., January 2014.
Bohaty, B., E. Riedel, and D. Darwin. “Crack Surveys of Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete Bridge Decks in Kansas 2011-2013.” Reports. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., November 2013.
Pendergrass, B., P. Shrestha, E. Riedel, G. Polley, and D. Darwin. “Evaluation of Cracking Performance of Bridge Decks in Minnesota.” Reports. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., September 2013.
Somogie, I., M. O’Reilly, and D. Darwin. “Rapid Macrocell Tests of XM-28 Stainless Steel Reinforcing Bars.” Reports. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., September 2013.
O’Reilly, M., D. Darwin, J. Browning, L. Xing, C. E. Locke, and Y. P. Virmani. “Effect of Corrosion Inhibitors on Concrete Pore Solution Composition and Corrosion Resistance.” Journal Articles. ACI Materials Journal 110, no. 5 (2013): 577–85.
Darwin, D., M. O’Reilly, I. Somogie, J. Sperry, J. Lafikes, S. Storm, and J. Browning. “Stainless Steel Reinforcement as a Replacement for Epoxy Coated Steel in Bridge Decks.” Reports. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, July 2013.
Guo, G., L. M. Joseph, and D. Darwin. “Effects of Story-By-Story Post-Tensioning on Multistory Buildings.” Journal Articles. ACI Structural Journal 110, no. 4 (2013): 649–58.
Shrestha, P., A. Harley, B. Pendergrass, D. Darwin, and J. Browning. “Use of Innovative Concrete Mixes for Improved Constructability and Sustainability of Bridge Decks, 2010-2013.” Reports. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., 2013.
Peckover, J., and D. Darwin. “Anchorage of High-Strength Reinforcing Bars with Standard Hooks: Initial Tests.” Reports. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., January 2013.
O’Reilly, M., and D. Darwin. “Rapid Macrocell Tests of 2205 and XM-28 Reinforcing Bars.” Reports. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., January 2013.
Kaul, V., D. Darwin, and J. Browning. “Crack Surveys of Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete Bridge Decks in Kansas 2010-2011.” Reports. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., November 2012.
Darwin, D., J. Browning, H A. K. McLeod, W. Lindquist, and J. Yuan. Implementing Lessons Learned From Twenty Years of Bridge-Deck Crack Surveys. Conference Proceedings. Andy Scanlon Symposium on Serviceability and Safety of Concrete Structures: From Research to Practice, Farmington Hills, MI, SP-284. Farmington Hills, MI: American Concrete Institute, 2012.
Browning, J., D. Darwin, D. Reynolds, and B. Pendergrass. “Lightweight Aggregate as Internal Curing Agent to Limit Concrete Shrinkage.” Journal Articles. ACI Materials Journal 108, no. 6 (2011): 638–44.
Darwin, D. Toward Crack-Free Bridge Decks. Conference Proceedings. Kavanagh Memorial Lecture, Penn State University, 2010.
Nilson, A. H., David Darwin , and C. W. Dolan. Design of Concrete Structures. Books. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010.
McLeod, H. A. K., W. D. Lindquist, J. Browning, and D. Darwin. Effects of Construction Procedures and Material Properties on Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete (LC-HPC) Bridge Decks. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings, 2010 National Concrete Bridge Conference, Phoenix, AZ, 2010.
Darwin, D., J. Browning, W. Lindquist, H. A. K. McLeod, J. Yuan, M. Toledo, and D. Reynolds. “Low-Cracking, High-Performance Concrete Bridge Decks – Case Studies Over the First 6 Years.” Journal Articles. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, no. 2202 (2010): 61–69.
Darwin, D., M. E. O’Reilly, J. Browning, and G. Guo. Multiple Corrosion Protection Systems for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Components: Laboratory and Field Tests. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings, 2010 National Concrete Bridge Conference, Phoenix, AZ, 2010.
Seliem, H. M., A. Hosny, S. Rizkalla, P. Zia, M. Briggs, S. Miller, D. Darwin, et al. “Bond Characteristics of High-Strength ASTM A1035 Steel Reinforcing Bars.” Journal Articles. ACI Structural Journal 106, no. 4 (2009): 530–39.
Browning, J., D. Darwin, and K. Hurst. “Specifications to Reduce Bridge Deck Cracking.” Journal Articles. HPC Bridge Views, no. 55 (2009): 1–3.
Darwin, D., J. Browning, M. O’Reilly, L. Xing, and J. Ji. “Critical Chloride Corrosion Threshold of Galvanized Reinforcing Bars.” Journal Articles. ACI Materials Journal 106, no. 2 (2009): 176–83.
Darwin, D., J. Browning, L. Gong, and S. R. Hughes. “Effects of Deicers on Concrete Deterioration.” Journal Articles. ACI Materials Journal 105, no. 6 (2008): 622–27.
Darwin, D., W. D. Lindquist, H. A. K. McLeod, and J. Browning. “Mineral Admixtures, Curing, and Concrete Shrinkage – An Update.” Journal Articles. Concrete Technology 1, no. 1 (September 2007): 56–65.
Browning, J., D. Darwin, and K. Hurst. “Specifications to Reduce Bridge Deck Cracking.” Journal Articles. HPC Bridge Views, no. 46 (2007): 1–2.
Darwin, D., W. D. Lindquist, H. A. K. McLeod, and J. Browning. Mineral Admixtures, Curing, and Concrete Shrinkage. Conference Proceedings. Edited by G. C. Hoff. Terence C. Holland Symposium on Advances in Concrete Technology, ACI, Warsaw, Poland, 2007.
ASTM A 955/A 955M-07, and David Darwin. “Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Stainless-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement.” Other. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International, 2007.
Lindquist, W. D., D. Darwin, J. Browning, and G. G. Miller. “Effect of Cracking on Chloride Content in Concrete Bridge Decks.” Journal Articles. ACI Materials Journal 103, no. 6 (2006): 467–73.
Darwin, D., and R. J. Detwiler. “How to Give a Good Technical Presentation.” Journal Articles. Concrete International 28, no. 2 (February 2006): 53–56.
High-Strength Concrete, Proc. of First International Conference on High-Strength Concrete, Kona, Hawaii, July 13-18, 1997. Conference Proceedings. Edited by A. Azizinamini, D. Darwin, and C. French. ASCE, 1999.
Smith, J. L., D. Darwin, and C. E. Locke Jr. . “Corrosion-Resistant Steel Reinforcing Bars Initial Tests.” Reports. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., April 1995.
Schmitt, Tony R., and David Darwin. “Cracking in Concrete Bridge Decks.” Reports. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., April 1995.
Darwin, D., M. N. Abou-Zeid, and K. W. Ketcham. “Automatic Cracks – Cracks and Voids in Cement Paste with Silica Fume.” Journal Articles. International Cement Review, January 1995, 33–39.
Darwin, D. “Corrosion-Resistant Steel Reinforcing Bars.” Reports. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., August 1994.
ASCE Task Committee on Design Criteria for Composite Structures in Steel and Concrete, and D. Darwin, Chmn. “Guidelines for Design of Joints between Steel Beams and Reinforced Concrete Columns.” Journal Articles. Journal of Structural Engineering 120, no. 8 (July 1994): 2330–57.
Darwin, D., M. N. Abou-Zeid, and K. W. Ketcham. Cracks and Voids in Cement Paste with Silica Fume. Conference Proceedings. Proceedings, 16th International Conference on Cement Microscopy, Richmond, Virginia, 1994.
Hadje-Ghaffari, H., O. C. Choi, D. Darwin, and S. L. McCabe. “Bond of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement: Cover, Casting Position, Slump, and Consolidation.” Journal Articles. ACI Structural Journal 90, no. 1 (1994): 59–68.
Darwin, D., S. L. McCabe, C. J. Brown, and M. L. Tholen. Fracture Analysis of Steel-Concrete Bond. Conference Proceedings. Edited by Z. P. Bazant, Z. Bittnar, M. Jirasek , and J. Mazars. Fracture and Damage in Quasibrittle Structures: Experiment, Modelling, and Computer Analysis, London. E & FN Spon, 1994.
Darwin, D., and E. K. Graham. “Effect of Deformation Height and Spacing on Bond Strength of Reinforcing Bars.” Journal Articles. ACI Structural Journal 90, no. 6 (1993): 646–57.
Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete II, Proc. of Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete II Conference, Potosi, Missouri, June 14-19, 1992. Conference Proceedings. Edited by David Darwin. ASCE, 1993.
Darwin , David. “Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures II, Chapter 4, Reinforced Concrete.” Book Chapters. In Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures II, edited by J. Isenberg, 203–32. American Society of Civil Engineers, 1993.
Selected Presentations —
Darwin, D. (2/6/2018). Corrosion Protection Systems for Reinforcing Steel. ACI Presidential Webinar Series
Darwin, D. (10/17/2017). Controlling Bridge Deck Cracking. ACI Convention. Anaheim, California
Darwin, D. (10/14/2017). Corrosion of Poorly Pickled Stainless Steel Bars and Damaged Epoxy-Coated Bars. RILEM TC 262-SCI. Anaheim, California
Darwin, D. (2/8/2017). Control of Cracking in Concrete. American Society of Concrete Contractors, Webinar
Darwin, D. (12/8/2016). Anchorage of High-Strength Reinforcement with Standard Hooks and Heads. 66th Annual Concrete Conference. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Darwin, D. (10/14/2016). Design and Construction Techniques to Improve the Life of Bridge Decks by Minimizing Cracking. ACI Saskatchewan Chapter Fall Seminar. Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Darwin, D. (9/8/2016). Research Update: Reducing Volume Change-Induced Cracking of Concrete: Field Implementation and Evaluation of Crack-Reduction Technologies. ACI Strategic Development Council Technology Forum #40. Salt Lake City, Utah
Darwin, D. (4/27/2016). Bridge Deck Cracking. National Concrete Consortium. Columbus, Ohio
Darwin, D. (3/23/2016). Anchorage of High-Strength Reinforcement with Standard Hooks and Heads. University of Notre Dame. South Bend, Indiana
Darwin, D. (6/9/2015). KDOT Supplemental Cementitious Material Additions. Kansas Chapter, Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE. Topeka, Kansas
Darwin, D. (5/12/2015). Anchorage of High-Strength Reinforcing Bars. Nuclear Energy Standards Coordination Collaborative. Washington, D.C
Darwin, D. (2/26/2015). Reducing Volume Change-Induced Cracking of Concrete: Field Implementation and Evaluation of Crack-Reduction Technologies. ACI Strategic Development Council Technology Forum #37. St. Louis, MO
Darwin, D. (1/11/2015). Principal Factors Controlling Cracks in Bridge Decks. Transportation Research Board Workshop on Emerging and Implementation-Ready Technologies to Control Cracking of Concrete Transportation Infrastructure. Washington, D.C
Darwin, D., & Pendergrass, B. (7/22/2014). Workshop on Crack-Free Bridge Decks. Ohio DOT. Cleveland, OH
Darwin, D. (3/7/2014). Control of Cracking in Concrete. 50th Annual Concrete Conference, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Rapid City, SD
Darwin, D. (3/7/2014). Corrosion Protection for Reinforcing Steel. 50th Annual Concrete Conference, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Rapid City, SD
Darwin, D. (3/13/2014). High-Performance Concrete Bridge Decks and Cracking. 6th Annual Concrete Spring Symposium, University of Utah. Salt Lake City, UT
Darwin, D. (11/20/2013). High-Strength Reinforcement: Yield Strength Determination and Anchorage with Hooks and Headed Bars. International Seminar on High-Strength Rebar for Nuclear Power Plants, Central Research Institute of KHNP. Daejeon, Korea
Darwin, D. (9/13/2013). Controlling Cracks. American Society of Concrete Contractors Conference. Columbus, OH
Darwin, D. (9/6/2013). Reducing Volume Change-Induced Cracking of Concrete: Field Implementation and Evaluation of Crack-Reduction Technologies. ACI Strategic Development Council Technology Forum #34. Indianapolis, IN
Darwin, D. (9/12/2013). Stainless Steel Reinforcement as a Replacement for Epoxy-Coated Steel in Bridge Decks. ODOT-OkTC Research Day. Oklahoma City, OK
Darwin, D. (12/13/2012). Bond and Development Length of Steel Reinforcement. Seoul National University. Seoul, Korea
Darwin, D. (12/6/2012). Control of Cracking in Concrete. 62nd Annual Concrete Conference, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis
Darwin, D. (12/6/2012). Corrosion Protection Systems for Reinforcing Steel. 62nd Annual Concrete Conference, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis
Darwin, D. (12/12/2012). R & D with Test Results and State-of-the-Art of High-Strength Reinforcing Steel. International Seminar on High-Strength Rebar for Nuclear Power Plants, Korea Concrete Institute and Central Research Institute of KHNP. Daejeon, Korea
Darwin, D. (10/24/2012). Low-Cracking High-Performance Concrete for Bridge Decks. ACI Convention. Toronto, Canada
Darwin, D. (4/12/2012). Corrosion Performance of Reinforcement in Concrete. Wire Reinforcement Institute Spring Meeting. Houston, TX
Darwin, D. (3/18/2012). Bridge Deck Cracking – What We Know and What We Can Do About It. ACI Convention. Dallas, TX
Darwin, D. (1/23/2012). Empirical Life Expectancy Modeling of Corrosion Protection Systems. Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC
Awards & Honors —
Concrete Research Council Arthur J. Boase Award
ACI Foundation
ACI Foundation
University of Kansas Leading Light Award
University of Kansas Miller Scholar
Recognized by the Ad Astra Kansas Initiative
ACI Certification Award
Thomas C. Kavanagh Memorial Lecturer
Penn State University
Penn State University
University of Kansas Miller Scholar
Distinguished Visiting Professor
American University in Cairo, Egypt
American University in Cairo, Egypt
Recognized as one of the five most influential individuals in the concrete industry
in the January 2010 issue of Concrete Construction
in the January 2010 issue of Concrete Construction
Dennis L. Tewksbury Award
Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE
Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE
Industry Service Award
Kansas Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Concrete Promotion Group, South Central Cement Promotion Association, Mid-West Concrete Industry Board, Kansas and Missouri Chapters of the American Concrete Institute, and Missouri/Kansas Chapter of the American Concrete Pavement Association
Kansas Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Concrete Promotion Group, South Central Cement Promotion Association, Mid-West Concrete Industry Board, Kansas and Missouri Chapters of the American Concrete Institute, and Missouri/Kansas Chapter of the American Concrete Pavement Association
Recognized for Teaching Achievement at the 10th Annual Celebration of Teaching Reception – one of 20 university wide
University of Kansas, Center for Teaching Excellence
University of Kansas, Center for Teaching Excellence
Outstanding Professor/Instructor
University of Kansas, Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering Department
University of Kansas, Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering Department
ACI Joe W. Kelly Award
University of Kansas Miller Scholar
Award of Appreciation
ASTM International, Committee A01 on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys
ASTM International, Committee A01 on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys
University of Illinois Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Association Distinguished Alumnus Award
University of Kansas Bellows Scholar
ASCE State-of-the-Art of Civil Engineering Award
ASCE Richard R. Torrens Award
ACI Structural Research Award
ASCE State-of-the-Art of Civil Engineering Award
As chairman, with the other members of the ASCE Task Committee on Design Criteria for Composite Structures in Steel and Concrete
As chairman, with the other members of the ASCE Task Committee on Design Criteria for Composite Structures in Steel and Concrete
ACI Arthur R. Anderson Award
University of Kansas Higuchi/Endowment-Irvin Youngberg Research Achievement Award in the Applied Sciences
ASCE Moisseiff Award, with W. K. Lucas, for the paper “LRFD for Steel and Composite Beams with Web Openings”
Deane E. Ackers Chair in Civil Engineering
University of Kansas
University of Kansas
ACI Delmar L. Bloem Distinguished Service Award
University of Kansas Miller Award for Distinguished Professional Service
ASCE Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize
Advisor to Kansas City Times on Pulitzer Prize Winning Series on Hyatt Regency Skywalk Collapse
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
1972 - 1974
1972 - 1974
ARCOM with oak leaf cluster
Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM)
United States Army, Bronze Star Medal (BSM)
United States Army, BSM with oak leaf cluster
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
1967 - 1968
1967 - 1968
Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship
1967 - 1968
1967 - 1968
Fuertes Medal
Cornell University
Cornell University
Randolph W. “Cy” Weed Memorial Trophy (Student-Athlete Award)
Cornell University
Cornell University
Chapter Honor Member
University of Kansas Chapter of Chi Epsilon (Civil Engineering Honor Society)
2009 - Present
University of Kansas Chapter of Chi Epsilon (Civil Engineering Honor Society)
2009 - Present
Chi Epsilon
1965 - Present
1965 - Present
Distinguished Member
American Society of Civil Engineers
2012 - Present
American Society of Civil Engineers
2012 - Present
American Association for the Advancement of Science
2016 - Present
American Association for the Advancement of Science
2016 - Present
Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE
2012 - Present
Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE
2012 - Present
American Society of Civil Engineers
1989 - Present
American Society of Civil Engineers
1989 - Present
American Concrete Institute
1981 - Present
American Concrete Institute
1981 - Present
Honorary Member
American Concrete Institute
2016 - Present
American Concrete Institute
2016 - Present
Honorary Member
Wire Reinforcement Institute
2005 - Present
Wire Reinforcement Institute
2005 - Present
Phi Eta Sigma
1963 - Present
1963 - Present
Phi Kappa Phi
1967 - Present
1967 - Present
Sigma Xi
1977 - Present
1977 - Present
Tau Beta Pi
1965 - Present
1965 - Present
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Evaluating the Performance of Existing Reinforcement for Oklahoma Bridges. OK Department of Transportation. $372347.00. Submitted 9/22/2017 (10/1/2017 - 9/30/2020). Federal. Status: Funded
Reducing Volume Change-Induced Cracking of Concrete: Field Implementation and Evaluation of Crack-Reduction Technologies. ACI Foundation and University of Kansas Transportation Research Institute. $825000.00. (1/1/2013 - 12/31/2019). University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded
Construction of Low-Cracking High-Performance Bridge Decks Incorporating New Technology. KS Dept of Transportation and Minnesota DOT. $270000.00. Submitted 11/9/2015 (1/1/2016 - 6/30/2019). Federal. Status: Funded
Headed Bars as Shear Reinforcement. Electric Power Research Institute. $400000.00. (1/1/2014 - 8/31/2017). Not-for-Profit (not Foundation). Status: Funded
Corrosion Performance of a Prototype Reinforcing Steel. MMFX Technologies Corporation. $88000.00. (2/1/2009 - 2/28/2017). For Profit (company/corporation). Status: Funded
Construction of Crack-Free Concrete Bridge Decks – Phase II. University of Kansas Transportation Research Institute, Kansas Department of Transportation, Colorado DOT, Idaho Trans. Dept., Indiana DOT, Michigan DOT, Minnesota DOT, Mississippi DOT, New Hampshire DOT, New York DOT, North Dakota DOT, Oklahoma DOT, Ohio DOT, Texas DOT, Wisconsin DOT, BASF Construction Chemicals, Silica Fume Association. $1575000.00. (8/1/2006 - 8/31/2016). Federal. Status: Funded
Use of Headed Reinforcing Bars to Develop High-Strength Reinforcing Steel. Electric Power Research Institute, Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Education and Research Foundation, ERICO International Corporation, Headed Reinforcement Corp., BarSplice Products, Inc. $450000.00. (1/1/2013 - 12/31/2015). For Profit (company/corporation). Status: Funded
Anchorage of High-Strength Reinforcing Bars with Standard Hooks. Electric Power Research Institute, Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Education and Research Foundation, University of Kansas Transportation Research Institute, Charles Pankow Foundation, Commercial Metals Company, Gerdau Corporation, Nucor Corporation, MMFX Technologies Corporation. $360000.00. (1/1/2012 - 12/31/2014). Status: Funded
Evaluation of Concrete Strength and Permeability. Kansas Department of Transportation. $198000.00. (5/1/2011 - 5/31/2014). State of Kansas. Status: Funded
Stainless Steel Reinforcement as a Replacement for Epoxy Coated Steel in Bridge Decks. Oklahoma Department of Transportation and University of Kansas Transportation Research Institute. $259045.00. (10/1/2010 - 9/30/2013). Other. Status: Funded
Use of Innovative Concrete Mixes for Improved Constructability and Sustainability of Bridge Decks. Kansas Department of Transportation. $40000.00. (7/1/2010 - 10/31/2012). State of Kansas. Status: Funded
Effect of Simulated Cracks on Lap Splice Strength of Reinforcing Bars. First Energy Nuclear Operating Corporation. $136000.00. (3/1/2012 - 7/31/2012). For Profit (company/corporation). Status: Funded
Corrosion Performance of Prestressing Strands in Contact with Two Different Grouts. Kansas Department of Transportation. $27500.00. (4/1/2011 - 4/30/2012). State of Kansas. Status: Funded
Multiple Corrosion Protection Systems for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Components. Federal Highway Administration. $500000.00. (9/1/2003 - 9/30/2010). Federal. Status: Funded
Accelerated Testing for Concrete Reinforcing Bar Corrosion Protection Systems - Field Study. Kansas Department of Transportation. $258550.00. (7/1/2001 - 8/31/2010). State of Kansas. Status: Funded
Construction of Concrete Bridge Decks. City of Overland Park, Kansas. $40000.00. (5/1/2007 - 4/30/2010). Local Government. Status: Funded
Construction of Crack-Free Concrete Bridge Decks. Kansas Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Texas DOT, Idaho Trans. Dept., Indiana DOT, Michigan DOT, Minnesota DOT, Mississippi DOT, Montana DOT, New Hampshire DOT, Oklahoma DOT, Missouri DOT, North Dakota DOT, South Dakota DOT, Delaware DOT, Wyoming DOT. $995000.00. (9/1/2002 - 3/31/2010). Other. Status: Funded
Evaluation of Metallized Stainless Steel Clad Reinforcement. South Dakota Department of Transportation. $70000.00. (10/1/2002 - 7/31/2007). Other States. Status: Funded
Evaluation of Bond Characteristics of MMFX Steel. MMFX Technologies Corporation. $83000.00. (10/1/2005 - 6/30/2007). For Profit (company/corporation). Status: Funded
Critical Chloride Corrosion Threshold for Galvanized Reinforcing Bars. International Lead Zinc Research Organization. $18000.00. (7/1/2006 - 3/31/2007). Not-for-Profit (not Foundation). Status: Funded
Manual for Optimized Concrete Mix Design. Kansas Department of Transportation. $24000.00. (6/1/2004 - 8/31/2005). State of Kansas. Status: Funded
Performance of Silica Fume Overlays on Bridge Decks. Kansas Department of Transportation. $57000.00. (5/1/2001 - 2/28/2004). State of Kansas. Status: Funded
Evaluation of Corrosion-Resistant Steel Reinforcing Bars. AmeriSteel Corporation. $225000.00. (4/1/1999 - 5/31/2003). For Profit (company/corporation). Status: Funded
Accelerated Testing for Concrete Reinforcing Bar Corrosion Protection Systems. National Science Foundation and Kansas Department of Transportation. $350000.00. (1/1/1999 - 2/28/2003). Federal. Status: Funded
Evaluation of Corrosion-Resistant Steel. South Dakota Department of Transportation. $50000.00. (3/1/2001 - 3/31/2002). Other States. Status: Funded
Accelerated Testing for Concrete Reinforcing Bar Corrosion Protection Systems - Field Study. Kansas Department of Transportation. $22500.00. (1/1/2000 - 7/31/2001). State of Kansas. Status: Funded
Evaluation of Corrosion Protection Systems for Concrete Highway Structures. Kansas Department of Transportation. $39000.00. (1/1/1999 - 5/31/2000). State of Kansas. Status: Funded
Performance and Constructability of Silica Fume Overlays on Bridge Decks. Kansas Department of Transportation. $50000.00. (1/1/1998 - 8/31/1999). State of Kansas. Status: Funded
Corrosion-Resistant Steel Reinforcing Bars. Structural Metals, Inc.. $24000.00. (11/1/1998 - 5/31/1999). For Profit (company/corporation). Status: Funded
Improving Development Characteristics of Reinforcing Bars. National Science Foundation and Federal Highway Administration. $235321.00. (12/1/1994 - 11/30/1998). Federal. Status: Funded. (Total Funding: $380,321)
Corrosion of Bridge Components Caused by Utility Cathodic Protection. Kansas Department of Transportation. $33000.00. (1/1/1997 - 2/28/1998). State of Kansas. Status: Funded
Corrosion-Resistant Steel Reinforcing Bars. Florida Steel Corporation and National Cooperative Highway Research Program. $116288.00. (1/1/1994 - 5/31/1995). Other. Status: Funded
Bridge Deck Cracking in Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges. Kansas Department of Transportation. $40000.00. (6/1/1993 - 3/31/1995). State of Kansas. Status: Funded
Improving Development Characteristics of Reinforcing Bars. Civil Engineering Research Foundation and National Science Foundation. $483503.00. (3/1/1991 - 8/31/1994). Federal. Status: Funded. (Total funding: $565,803)
Permanent Concrete Pavement Markings. Kansas Department of Transportation. $26500.00. (6/1/1993 - 8/31/1994). State of Kansas. Status: Funded
Drilling and Grouting of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement. Kansas Department of Transportation. $105581.00. (1/1/1991 - 9/30/1992). State of Kansas. Status: Funded
Submicroscopic Deformation of Cement Paste and Mortar. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. $232691.00. (4/1/1989 - 3/31/1992). Federal. Status: Funded
Effects of Rheocrete 222 on Bond of Epoxy-Coated Bars to Concrete. Master Builders, Inc.. $4225.00. (10/1/1991 - 12/31/1991). For Profit (company/corporation). Status: Funded
Shear Strength of Continuous Lightly Reinforced Concrete Joist Systems. National Science Foundation. $168914.00. (1/1/1989 - 12/31/1991). Federal. Status: Funded
Bond of Confined Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement to Concrete. Kansas Department of Transportation. $38446.00. (1/1/1990 - 1/31/1991). State of Kansas. Status: Funded
Effects of PolyTECT on Steel-Concrete Bond Strength. Master Builders, Inc.. $3625.00. (7/1/1990 - 9/30/1990). For Profit (company/corporation). Status: Funded
Evaluation Procedures for Deicing Chemicals and Improved Sodium Chloride-Reinforcement Corrosion Test. Strategic Highway Research Program. $54136.00. (6/1/1989 - 6/30/1990). Not-for-Profit (not Foundation). Status: Funded
Bond of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Steel to Concrete. National Science Foundation. $223444.00. (2/1/1987 - 1/31/1990). Federal. Status: Funded
Concrete Air-Void Characteristics for a New Air-Entraining Agent. Solvay Construction Materials, Inc.. $17997.00. (5/1/1988 - 12/31/1988). For Profit (company/corporation). Status: Funded
Submicroscopic Deformation in Cement Paste and Mortar at High Load Rates. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. $343195.00. (4/1/1985 - 3/31/1988). Federal. Status: Funded
Scanning Electron Microscope and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis System. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. $71807.00. (8/1/1986 - 7/31/1987). Federal. Status: Funded. (Total funding: $268,615).
Analysis of Pipeline Girth Welds Containing Long, Shallow Surface Flaws. American Petroleum Institute. $75000.00. (12/1/1985 - 11/30/1986). Other. Status: Funded
Composite Beams with Web Openings. American Institute of Steel Construction. $120049.00. (5/1/1982 - 11/30/1985). Not-for-Profit (not Foundation). Status: Funded
Role of Cement Paste in Deformation and Cracking of Plain Concrete. National Science Foundation. $101399.00. (1/1/1982 - 12/31/1984). Federal. Status: Funded
Microwave Losses in Concrete. E-Systems, Inc.. $35000.00. (6/1/1984 - 9/30/1984). For Profit (company/corporation). Status: Funded
Cyclic Behavior of Concrete Beams with Low Values of Flexural Reinforcement. National Science Foundation. $192971.00. (12/1/1980 - 11/30/1982). Federal. Status: Funded
Effects of Innovative Construction Procedures on Concrete Bridge Decks. Kansas Department of Transportation. $60000.00. (6/1/1980 - 8/31/1982). State of Kansas. Status: Funded
Role of Cement Paste in Deformation and Cracking of Plain Concrete. National Science Foundation. $83043.00. (2/1/1980 - 1/31/1982). Federal. Status: Funded
Composite Beams with Web Openings. National Science Foundation. $62554.00. (3/1/1977 - 8/31/1980). Federal. Status: Funded
Model for Deformation and Cracking of Plain Concrete. National Science Foundation Research Initiation Grant. $20000.00. (4/1/1976 - 9/30/1977). Federal. Status: Funded