David William Farber

- Roy A. Roberts Distinguished Professor, Modern America
Contact Info
Wescoe Hall
Selected Publications —
Farber, David. 2016. “‘A History of American Conservatism.’” Journal Articles. The Chinese Journal of American Studies 2016 (5): 111–25.
Farber, David. 2016. “‘Self-Invention in the Realm of Production: Craft, Work, and Community in the Sixties-Era American Counterculture.’” Journal Articles. Pacific Historical Review, July, 408–42.
Farber, David, and Ben Klein. 2016. “El Rito and the Power of Place in Sixties America.” Book Chapters. In Irwin Klein and the New Settlers, edited by Benjamin Klein, 31–38, 165–66. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Farber, David, and Beth Bailey. 2016. “The Counterculture’s Looking Glass.” Book Chapters. In Groovy Science: Knowledge, Innovation, and American Counterculture, edited by David Kaiser and Patrick McCray, 392–95. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Farber, David. 2015. “Fighting (Against) the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.” Book Chapters. In Understanding the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, edited by Beth Bailey and Richard Immerman, 194–219. New York: New York University Press.
Farber, David. 2014. “American Conservatism as Political Process and Not as an Essential Idea.” Journal Articles. Politique Américaine 23: 111–37.
Farber, David. 2014. “John Raskob’s Conservative Vision of Financial Self-Management.” Journal Articles. Journal of Policy History 26 (1): 1–26.
Farber, David. 2013. “Building the Counterculture, Creating Right Livelihoods.” Journal Articles. The Sixties: A Journal of History, Politics, and Culture, 1–24.
Farber, David. 2013. Everybody Ought to Be Rich: The Life and Times of John J. Raskob, Capitalist. Books. Vol. xiv. New York: Oxford University Press.
Farber, David. 2013. “The Politics of Southern Student Activism.” Book Chapters. In Rebellion in Black and White: Southern Student Activists in the 1960s, edited by David Snyder and Robert Cohen, 313–22. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Farber, David. 2012. “Democratic Culture, Social Change Movements and the International Sixties.” Book Chapters. In The Transnational Sixties: The United States, Japan, and Western Europe, edited by Daizburo Yui, 35–49. Tokyo: Sairyusha.
Farber, David. 2010. The Rise and Fall of Modern American Conservatism. Books. Vol. x. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Farber, David, ed. 2007. What They Think of US: International Perceptions of the United States Since 9/11. Books. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Farber, David, and Beth Bailey. 2006. “The Histories They Are A-Changin’: Sources for Teaching about the Movements of the Sixties.” Journal Articles. OAH Magazine of History, September, 8–13.
Farber, David. 2006. “Street Heat in Chicago: Political Violence in the Sixties Era.” Book Chapters. In Tales of Two Cities/Stadtgeschichten: Hamburg and Chicago, edited by Claudia Schnurmann and Iris Wigger, 229–40. Berlin: LIT Verlag.
Farber, David, and Beth Bailey. 2006. The Fifties Chronicle. Books. Chicago: Publications International.
Farber, David. 2005. “Thinking and Not Thinking about Race in the United States.” Journal Articles. Modern Intellectual History 2 (3): 433–46.
Farber, David, and Beth Bailey, eds. 2004. America in the 1970s. Books. Vol. vi. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.
Farber, David. 2004. Taken Hostage: The Iran Hostage Crisis and America’s First Encounter with Radical Islam. Books. Vol. viii. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Farber, David. 2004. The Sixties Chronicle. Books. Chicago: Publications International.
Bailey, Beth, and David Farber, eds. 2004. “The Torch Has Fallen.” Book Chapters. In America in the 1970s, 9–27. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.
Farber, David. 2003. “Conservative Democracy in the 1960s.” Book Chapters. In The Conservative Sixties, 8–20. New York: Peter Lang Publishers.
Farber, David, and Jeff Roche, eds. 2003. The Conservative Sixties. Books. Vol. vi. New York: Peter Lang Publishers.
Farber, David. 2002. Sloan Rules: Alfred P. Sloan and the Triumph of General Motors. Books. Vol. xii. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Farber, David, and Beth Bailey, eds. 2001. The Columbia Guide to America in the 1960s. Books. Vol. xii. New York: Columbia University Press.
Farber, David. 2001. “The Intoxicated State/Illegal Nation: Drugs and the Counterculture.” Book Chapters. In Imagine Nation: American Cultural Radicalism in the 1960s, edited by Peter Braunstein and Michael Doyle, 17–40. New York: Routledge.
Farber, David. 2000. “Intellectuals and Democracy.” Reviews. American Literary History.
Farber, David. 1999. “Democratic Subjects in the American Sixties: National Politics, Cultural Authenticity, and Community Interest.” Journal Articles. Mid-America: An Historical Review 81 (3): 319–32.
Farber, David, and Beth Bailey. 1996. “The Fighting Man as Tourist: The Politics of Tourist Culture in Hawaii during World War II.” Journal Articles. Pacific Historical Review, October, 641–60.
Farber, David. 1994. “The Dream of Global Desire: The Marlboro Man Goes to Hong Kong.” Journal Articles. Borderlines: Studies in American Culture, May, 327–40.
Farber, David, ed. 1994. The ’60s: From Memory to History. Books. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
Farber, David. 1994. The Age of Great Dreams: America in the 1960s. Books. New York: Hill and Wang.
Farber, David, ed. 1994. “The Silent Majority and Talk About Revolution.” Book Chapters. In The Sixties: From Memory to History, 291–316. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
Farber, David, and Beth Bailey. 1993. “The ‘Double-V’ Campaign in WWII Hawaii: African-Americans, Racial Ideology, and Federal Power.” Journal Articles. Journal of Social History, May, 817–43.
Farber, David, and Beth Bailey. 1992. “Hotel Street: Prostitution in Hawaii During World War II.” Journal Articles. Radical History Review 52: 54–77.
Farber, David, and Beth Bailey. 1992. The First Strange Place: The Alchemy of Sex and Race in WWII Hawaii. Books. New York: Free Press.
Farber, David. 1988. Chicago ’68. Books. Vol. xxi. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.