Robert Howell Goldstein

- Haas Distinguished Professor
Contact Info
Biography —
Research —
Goldstein's research specialties include sequence stratigraphy of carbonates, diagenesis, and fluid-inclusion research. Current research focuses on the following: (1) sea-level, paleotopographic, oceanographic, and climate controls on depositional sequence architecture of the Spanish Miocene; (2) modeling reservoir-analog architecture in deep-water and shallow water carbonates; (3) predicting porosity in reservoirs from new conceptual models of carbonate diagenesis; (4) effect of hydrothermal fluids on carbonate and sandstone reservoir rocks; (5) origin and distribution of early and late dolomite; (6) new fluid inclusion techniques for constraining thermal evolution of sedimentary systems; and (7) new fluid inclusion techniques for evaluating history of fluid composition. Currently, he and his students are working on a variety of projects dealing with upstream fossil fuel energy supply including both conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources.
Research interests:
- fluid inclusions; diagenesis; sequence stratigraphy; Sea-level
- paleotopographic
- oceanographic
- and climate controls on depositional sequence architecture of the Spanish Miocene; Modeling
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- stratigraphy; carbonate sedimentology; geology; oil