Susan Marie Lunte

- Ralph N. Adams Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Contact Info
Office Phone:
Multidisciplinary Research Building, room #220F
Biography —
Research —
Research interests of the Lunte group include: (1) microanalytical methods for the investigation of the transport and metabolism of peptides across the blood-brain barrier (2) separation-based sensors employing on-line microdialysis coupled to microchip electrophoresis (3) cell-based assays on chips, and (4) microchip-based diagnostics for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Microanalytical methods for the investigation of the transport and metabolism of peptides across the blood-brain barrier: An insight into peptide transport and metabolism is important for effective drug design and the understanding of neurological disorders. Crucial to these studies is the development of analytical methodologies that are capable of monitoring these biologically important compounds at physiologically relevant concentrations. The particular analytes of interest include neuroactive peptides, amino acids and catecholamines. Release, transport, and metabolism of these substances can be investigated in vitro using a cell culture model or in vivo using microdialysis sampling. Due to the small sample volumes generated by these methods, microcolumn-based separation methods have been employed for analysis. These include capillary and microchip electrophoresis and microcolumn liquid chromatography. To obtain the requisite sensitivity for these assays, laser-induced fluorescence and electrochemical detection and mass spectrometric methods have been employed. The focus of this research has been primarily on substance P and dynorphin. These two neuropeptides have been shown to be important in neuropathic and chronic pain as well as depression. Separation-based sensors based on microdialysis coupled to microchip electrophoresis: The second project area concerns the development of on-animal separation-based sensors for near real-time monitoring of drugs and neurotransmitters in awake, freely roaming animals. The on-line coupling of microdialysis with capillary electrophoresis yields a sensor capable of monitoring multiple analytes simultaneously during pharmacological and neurochemical studies involving awake, freely moving animals. However, current on-line systems are rather large and generally take up an entire lab bench. In addition, the animal is tethered to the syringe pump and analytical system with tubing. In many cases, for example, behavioral studies, one would like to be able to obtain information regarding neurotransmitter release from a freely roaming, untethered animal. With this goal in mind, our group has been focusing their efforts on miniaturization of all the components of the on-line microdialysis-capillary electrophoresis system to produce an on-animal sensor. This includes the development of a chip-based interface between microdialysis sampling and microchip electrophoresis and miniaturization of the detector and associated electronics, as well as the use of telemetry to send the signal to a remote data acquisition station. The primary focus has been on the use of electrochemical detection because both the detector (electrodes) and the potentiostat can be easily miniaturized. Cell-based assays on chips: Along with the development of on-animal sensors, our group has recently begun to investigate cellular assays on chips. Due to the small (micron-to-submicron) dimensions and nanoliter volumes characteristic of the microchip format, very fast analyses can be performed on small volumes. Therefore, it is possible to analyze the content of single cells and/or monitor the release of biologically active compounds from cells integrated into the chip. Current efforts in our laboratory are focused on the development of methods for the detection of reactive oxygen species released from macrophages and bovine brain microvessel endothelial cells. A method for the detection of peroxynitrite using microchip electrophoresis with electrochemical detection has been developed. Chip-based clinical diagnostics: Lastly, the use of capillary electrophoresis/electrochemistry for clinical assays is being investigated. Microchips have several advantages for clinical assays since sample preparation and analysis steps can be integrated onto a single chip. The chips can also be made disposable, obviating problems of cross-contamination. One particular analyte of interest is plasma homocysteine, which has been proposed to be a potential early indicator of heart disease. The development of a fast and accurate analytical method that can be incorporated into the clinical laboratory or used for point-of-care testing is the goal of this project.
Research interests:
- bioanalytical chemistry
- liquid chromatography
- capillary electrophoresis
- electrochemical and laser-induced fluorescence detection
- microdialysis sampling
- neurochemistry
- protein and peptide analysis
- microchip analytical systems
- mass spectrometry and anticancer drug analysis
Selected Publications —
Caruso, G, C G Fresta, F Martinez-Becerra, L Antonio, R T Johnson, R P de Campos, J M Siegel, M B Wijesinghe, G Lazzarino, and S M Lunte. “Carnosine Modulates Nitric Oxide in Stimulated Murine RAW 264.7 Macrophages.” Journal Articles. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 431, no. 1–2 (March 13, 2017): 197–210.
Hogard, Michael, Craig Lunte, and Susan Lunte. “Detection of Reactive Aldehyde Biomarkers in Biological Samples Using Solid Phase Extraction Pre-Concentration and Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection.” Journal Articles. Analytical Methods 9, no. 12 (February 27, 2017): 1848–54.
Fresta, Claudia, Michael Hogard, Giuseppe Caruso, Elton Melo Costa, Giuseppe Lazzarino, and Susan Lunte. “Monitoring Carnosine Uptake by RAW 264.7 Macrophage Cells Using Microchip Electrophoresis with Fluorescence Detection.” Journal Articles. Analytical Methods 9 (2017): 402–8.
Caruso, G, D A Distefano, P Parlascino, C G Fresta, G Lazzarino, S M Lunte, and V G Nicoletti. “Receptor-Mediated Toxicity of Human Amylin Fragment Aggregated by Short- and Long-Term Incubations with Copper Ions.” Journal Articles. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 425, no. 1–2 (January 1, 2017): 85–93.
Al-Hossaini, A M, L Suntornsuk, and S M Lunte. “Separation of Dynorphin Peptides by Capillary Electrochromatography Using a Polydiallyldimethylammonium Chloride Gold Nanoparticle-Modified Capillary.” Journal Articles. Electrophoresis 37, no. 17–18 (August 1, 2016): 2297–2304.
Oborny, N J, E E Costa, L Suntornsuk, F C Abreu, and S M Lunte. “Evaluation of a Portable Microchip Electrophoresis Fluorescence Detection System for the Analysis of Amino Acid Neurotransmitters in Brain Dialysis Samples.” Journal Articles. Analytical Sciences : The International Journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry 32, no. 1 (January 1, 2016): 35–40.
Campos, R P de, J M Siegel, C G Fresta, G Caruso, J A da Silva, and S M Lunte. “Indirect Detection of Superoxide in RAW 264.7 Macrophage Cells Using Microchip Electrophoresis Coupled to Laser-Induced Fluorescence.” Journal Articles. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 407, no. 23 (August 1, 2015): 7003–12.
Nuchtavorn, N, W Suntornsuk, S M Lunte, and L Suntornsuk. “Recent Applications of Microchip Electrophoresis to Biomedical Analysis.” Journal Articles. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 113 (August 10, 2015): 72–96.
Saylor, R A, E A Reid, and S M Lunte. “Microchip Electrophoresis with Electrochemical Detection for the Determination of Analytes in the Dopamine Metabolic Pathway.” Journal Articles. Electrophoresis 36, no. 16 (July 1, 2015): 1912–19.
Scott, D E, S D Willis, S Gabbert, D Johnson, E Naylor, E M Janle, J E Krichevsky, C E Lunte, and S M Lunte. “Development of an On-Animal Separation-Based Sensor for Monitoring Drug Metabolism in Freely Roaming Sheep.” Journal Articles. The Analyst 140, no. 11 (May 7, 2015): 3820–29.
Saylor, R A, E A Reid, and S M Lunte. “Microchip Electrophoresis with Electrochemical Detection for the Determination of Analytes in the Dopamine Metabolic Pathway.” Journal Articles. Electrophoresis, 11, 2015.
Nuchtavorn, N, W Suntornsuk, S M Lunte, and L Suntornsuk. “Recent Applications of Microchip Electrophoresis to Biomedical Analysis.” Reviews. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, March 20, 2015.
Saylor, R A, and S M Lunte. “A Review of Microdialysis Coupled to Microchip Electrophoresis for Monitoring Biological Events.” Reviews. Journal of Chromatography. A, February 20, 2015.
Saylor, R A, and S M Lunte. “A Review of Microdialysis Coupled to Microchip Electrophoresis for Monitoring Biological Events.” Journal Articles. Journal of Chromatography. A 1382 (February 20, 2015): 48–64.
Meneses, D, D B Gunasekara, P Pichetsurnthorn, J A da Silva, F C de Abreu, and S M Lunte. “Evaluation of In-Channel Amperometric Detection Using a Dual-Channel Microchip Electrophoresis Device and a Two-Electrode Potentiostat for Reverse Polarity Separations.” Journal Articles. Electrophoresis 36, no. 3 (February 1, 2015): 441–48.
Lunte, Susan. “Electrophoretic Methods for Separation of Peroxynitrite and Related Compounds.” Book Chapters. In Peroxynitrite Detection in Biological Media, 2015.
Lunte, Susan. “Principles and Strategies for Microchip Electrophoresis with Amperometric Detection.” Book Chapters. In Electrochemical Strategies in Detection Science, 2015.
Lucca, B G, S M Lunte, W K Tomazelli Coltro, and V S Ferreira. “Separation of Natural Antioxidants Using PDMS Electrophoresis Microchips Coupled with Amperometric Detection and Reverse Polarity.” Journal Articles. Electrophoresis 35, no. 23 (November 1, 2014): 3363–70.
Gunasekara, D B, J M Siegel, G Caruso, M K Hulvey, and S M Lunte. “Microchip Electrophoresis with Amperometric Detection Method for Profiling Cellular Nitrosative Stress Markers.” Journal Articles. The Analyst 139, no. 13 (June 7, 2014): 3265–73.
Metto, E. C., A. Sharma, K. Evans, A. H. Culbertson, C. Caruso, M. K. Hulvey, J. A. F. daSilva, S. M. Lunte, and C. T. Culbertson. “Integrated Microfluidic Device for Monitoring Nitric Oxide in Single T-Lymphocytes .” Journal Articles. Analytical Chemistry 85, no. 21 (2013): 10188–95.
Awards & Honors —
Top 50 most influential women in the analytical sciences
Analytical Scientist
Analytical Scientist
Top 100 most influential people in the world of analytical science
Analytical Scientist
Analytical Scientist