Victor S. Frost

- Dan F. Servey Distinguished Professor
Contact Info
Biography —
Dr. Victor S. Frost is currently the Dan F. Servey Distinguished Professor. He was the Director of the KU Telecommunications and Information Technology Center (ITTC) for over ten years. During that time ITTC had external research expenditures averaging about $5.5 Million/year. From 1987 to 1996 Dr. Frost was the Director of the KU Telecommunications and Information Sciences Laboratory. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and received a Presidential Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation in 1984. For two years (Feb. 2009-Feb. 2011) he was a Program Director at the NSF in Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) - Computer Network Systems Division (CNS). As a Program director Dr. Frost contributed to the creation of NSF's Future Internet Architecture program. His research interests are in the areas communications systems and networks. With support from NSF he is conducting research to create new techniques for covert communications. The desire to hide the transmission of information has existed since antiquity. This has included the need to conceal the very existence of transmissions; exposing the presence of transmissions may reveal the location of the sender. Research is underway to determine if communications can be hidden in the midst of the RF emissions of current 4G cellular and future broadband packet-based wireless networks. This research is based on our key insight that the adaptive nature of the techniques used in modern wireless systems makes them vulnerable to exploitation. We are discovering those weaknesses and exposing how those vulnerabilities can be used to enable communications by covert users. Government agencies, including, NSF, DARPA, Rome Labs, ORNL, ONR and NASA have sponsored his research. He has been involved in research on several national scale high speed wide area testbeds; he was an investigator on a gigabit testbed (MAGIC) research effort and ACTS ATM Internetwork (AAI). Dr. Frost has been involved in research for numerous corporations, including Sprint, NCR, Nortel, Telesat Canada, AT&T, McDonnell Douglas, DEC, and COMDISCO Systems. He has been principal investigator on over thirty five research efforts and involved as co-investigator on over forty projects. As a result of those efforts he has published over 140 journal articles and conference papers. Dr. Frost was elected to the IEEE Communications Society Board of Governors as a Member at Large for the 2008-2011 term.
Research —
Research interests:
- Communication Systems and Networks
- Network Analysis
- Network Measurement and Simulation
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Communication Systems and Networks
- Network Analysis
- Network Measurement and Simulation